Manipulating functions and function spaces
We start with setting the Feel++ environment and loading the Feel++ library. We download a 2D and 3D geometry from the Feel++ github repository.
import feelpp.core as fppc
import sys
'2' "github:{repo:feelpp,path:feelpp/quickstart/laplacian/cases/feelpp2d/feelpp2d.geo}", worldComm=app.worldCommPtr() )[0],
'3' "github:{repo:feelpp,path:feelpp/quickstart/laplacian/cases/feelpp3d/feelpp3d.geo}", worldComm=app.worldCommPtr() )[0]
print(" . 2D geometry file: {}".format(geo['2']))
print(" . 3D geometry file: {}".format(geo['3']))
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) File:1 ----> 1 import feelpp.core as fppc 2 import sys 4 app=fppc.Environment(["myapp"],config=fppc.localRepository("")) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'feelpp'
1. Notations
The domain \(\Omega\) is discretized using a mesh of triangles or tetrahedra. Scalar functions \(f \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) are defined on the mesh and are represented by a finite element space.
2. Scalar function spaces
2D mesh and function space example
def run( m, geo ):
m2d = fppc.load(m,geo,0.1)
if app.isMasterRank():
print("Xh basisname: ", Xh.basisName())
print("Xh nDof: ", Xh.nDof())
print("Xh nLocalDof: ", Xh.nLocalDof())
print("Xh nLocalDofWithGhost: ", Xh.nLocalDofWithGhost())
print("Xh nLocalDofWithoutGhost: ", Xh.nLocalDofWithoutGhost())
assert m3==m2d
assert u.functionSpace() == Xh
assert u.size() == Xh.nDof()
run( fppc.mesh(dim=2), geo['2'] )
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) File:22 19 assert u.functionSpace() == Xh 20 assert u.size() == Xh.nDof() ---> 22 run( fppc.mesh(dim=2), geo['2'] ) NameError: name 'fppc' is not defined
Finally, we can do the same in 3D
3D mesh and function space example
run( fppc.mesh(dim=3,realdim=3), geo['3'] )
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) File:1 ----> 1 run( fppc.mesh(dim=3,realdim=3), geo['3'] ) NameError: name 'fppc' is not defined